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Karina Roque

Hi, I’m Karina.

Experience: I received my paralegal degree from Bryant & Stratton College. I joined the Konstantakis Law Office team in 2021.

Hobbies: I like going out on hikes with my German shepherd/ husky mix dog named Roxy. I also enjoy traveling and seeing new places. 

Favorite Office Memory:  Our company outing to the Bucks game!

Why I enjoy working at Konstantakis Law Office: My favorite part about working at the Konstantakis Law Office is the friendly environment of the office and the family-oriented style of the entire staff. We all work very hard to represent our clients and to provide them with the best possible outcomes.

Joy Davis

Hi, I’m Joy.

Experience: I am a retired Milwaukee County Deputy Sheriff. I joined the Konstantakis Law Office team in 2022, but I have known Georgia for many years as she would always greet me during her frequent appearances in the Milwaukee County Circuit courtroom where I worked as a Bailiff.

Hobbies: For fun I like to play Volleyball, go shopping at Flea Markets, and go floating down the river in a tube.  I live with my husband Patrick and daughter Neveaha. We also have two sons, Anthony and Connor. I have 2 dogs, Scooby and Tilly.

Favorite Office Memory: Going to the Bucks game!

Why I enjoy working at Konstantakis Law Office: I enjoy working in the office and helping clients in anyway possible.  

Judy Maves

Hi, I’m Judy.

Experience:   I retired from Milwaukee County Clerk Of Courts with 37 ½ years if experience. I was a Deputy Court Clerk/Judicial Assistant for 18 years. I joined Konstantakis Law Office Team March 2023. I have known Georgia for many years as she would make frequent appearances in court where I worked. 

Hobbies:  I love to cook, bake, shop and travel. 

Favorite Office Memory:  In August we had an office outing: We went on a donut boat on the Milwaukee River it was a great experience. 

Why I enjoy working at Konstantakis Law Office:  I enjoy what I do and learning new things every day. The staff is amazing to work with. We are like family, it’s enjoyable to go to work every day.

Milan De La O

Hi, I’m Milan.

Experience:  I have worked as an Accounts Payable Specialist and Receptionist most of my career, and also did a brief stint at the Milwaukee Municipal Court as an interpreter.  I am excited to be working on this side of the law, and hope to continue to learn and grow here!  

Hobbies:  Cooking, Shopping, Dancing, Doing Nails and Makeup, Gardening and Having Fun with my 3 daughters 

Favorite Office Memory:  Mary Kay Facial Night 

Why I enjoy working at Konstantakis Law Office:  I enjoy the work I do, there is never a dull moment, and there is so much to learn every single day! 

Kassidy Gint

Hi, I’m Kassidy.

Experience: I am a senior at Franklin High School and have been an intern at Konstantakis Law Office since the summer of 2022.

Hobbies: I enjoy swimming, reading, and hanging out with friends.

Favorite Office Memory: Our company-wide Thanksgiving lunch!

Why I enjoy working at Konstantakis Law Office: I enjoy working at Konstantakis Law Office because I am able to learn about the law field through a hands-on approach and from great role models.

Jack Konstantakis

Hi, I’m Jack.

When you walk into our office, you may be greeted by our friendly four-legged furry friend Jack! Jack has been a member of the Konstantakis family since 2019 and he quickly became known as our office mascot. He is a mix of Jack Russell Terrier and Chihuahua which means he is a high-energy and vocal pup!

Hobbies: When I am not busy keeping Attorney Konstantakis company as she diligently works for our clients, I love to eat treats, say “hi” to all of our clients and bark(a lot)! 

Favorite Office Memory:  I enjoy snuggling up under the desks of my favorite staff members for naps, especially when they have a heater turned on for me! 

Why I enjoy working at Konstantakis Law Office: My favorite part of working here is bringing a smile to everyone’s face when I greet them at the door. I’ll make sure to say “hi” next time you stop in!