reduced/dismissed owi charges in wisconsin

Wisconsin OWI defense lawyer

In Wisconsin, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated can lead to serious legal repercussions. It is crucial to comprehend the laws, potential penalties, and available legal options if you find yourself facing OWI charges. With the right attorney, it is possible to get your OWI charges reduced or even dismissed.

According to Wisconsin law, operating while intoxicated (OWI) refers to driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant (alcohol or drugs) which renders the driver incapable of safely driving. You might see your traffic ticket refer to violations to Wisconsin statute “346.63“.

It is essential to hire an experienced OWI attorney. They will work to challenge your OWI charge and utilize strategies to reduce or even dismiss your OWI depending on the circumstances surrounding your arrest.

Our Promise

Our law firm will review any misdemeanors charged in your case, explain what those charges mean, and advise you on your best legal options. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get the best representation you need in your unique circumstances.

Please use this guide provided by to help you understand the consequences you are facing and what to do next.

WI OWI Penalty Chart (pdf)

Ways to challenge an OWI

  1. Challenge the legality of the traffic stop
    • Did law enforcement have reasonable suspicion to have a traffic stop? Police cannot stop vehicles random or based on reasons unrelated to the law. Law enforcement can only stop vehicles for the following reasons:

      • Violating a traffic law

      • Equipment violations

      • Traffic checkpoints

      • Erratic driving

      • Fitting the description of a vehicle involved in a crime.

  2. Challenge whether law enforcement had additional reasonable suspicion to transform an ordinary traffic stop into an investigative stop

  3. Challenge whether law enforcement had the necessary quantum of probable cause to administer a preliminary breath test

    • The preliminary breath test is taken at the scene of your traffic stop. If you refuse the chemical test, you can sometimes face even more severe penalties for a refusal than a first OWI.

  4. Challenge whether law enforcement had probable cause to arrest

  5. Challenge the results of the chemical test 

    • An attorney can contest the ways breathalyzers are administered, whether procedure was followed, and the capabilities of the devices themselves.

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